Ce film de 4 minutes est un appel à l'action lancé par les pêcheurs à leurs collègues de la Grande Caraïbe. Il présente le comportement des bancs de poissons qui se reproduisent et les raisons pour lesquelles...
https://open.spotify.com/episode/1osm4ku9XjiQk4dDexaXRA?si=9m6EgGglRWWJaj9TDxNPzg This public service announcement (PSA) promotes the regional closed season for Nassau grouper from December through March throughout the Caribbean.Produced by BelugaSmile Productions in collaboration with Perry Institute for…
https://open.spotify.com/episode/18IFKiiqHQQHWMz9SNpIB7?si=wmisfu7tTP2UTrtjEhg_pQ This public service announcement (PSA) promotes the regional closed season for Mutton snapper from April through July. To ensure the next generation of fish, it is critical not to…
https://open.spotify.com/episode/2jTapnXB5j1EoBVzy8i53x?si=sgMm9eTiStaoAPCtxMzzGQ Narrator Leah Eneas guides the audience through the natural history of Nassau grouper, emphasizing their unique reproductive behavior. This podcast relies on underwater acoustics ---fish calls of courtship and…