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Summary: This session provides overviews of the six families and over 560 species in the SSG SG in terms of biology and spawning aggregations. These species can use habitats from fresh water to deep reefs in primarily tropical/subtropical but also temperate regions. Diversity and numbers of FSAs by SSG family and region are estimated based on variable information, much of it from FK. FSA environmental drivers and the roles of geomorphology will be considered. Examples of successful management of species with FSAs will be presented from Belize for lutjanids (snappers) and Western Australia for sparids (seabreams).

Session Agenda:

  • Outline: Session 2 (Ken Lindeman)  5 min
  • Biological Overview – Life History Strategies of SSG Species (Melita Samoilys) 10 min
  • Spawning Aggregations of SSG Families: Patterns Among Regions (Ken Lindeman, Sarah Brooks)  15 min
  • FSA Environmental Drivers and Geomorphology (Will Heyman)  10 min
  • Belize Spawning Aggregation Working Group (Virginia Burns)  10 min
  • Sparid FSAs and Fishery Management in Western Australia (David Fairclough, Ken Lindeman)  10 min
  • Panel Discussion (Moderator: Ken Lindeman) 30 min

Speakers + Affiliations 

  • Ken Lindeman – Florida Tech
  • Melita Samoilys – CORDIO East Africa
  • Sarah Brooks –  Florida Tech
  • Will Heyman – LGL Ecological Research Associates
  • Virginia Burns – Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association
  • David Fairclough – DPIRD