Summary: Welcome! This session provides an introduction and overview of the workshop focusing on examples of where fishers’ knowledge (FK) and leadership have led to fish spawning aggregation (FSA) conservation…
zelda eliscoJuly 12, 2024

Summary: This session provides overviews of the six families and over 560 species in the SSG SG in terms of biology and spawning aggregations. These species can use habitats from…
zelda eliscoJuly 12, 2024

Summary: In this session, we cover some of the practical “how to questions” for FSA research and provide guidance on designing research and conservation programs for FSAs. Fishers’ can play…
zelda eliscoJuly 12, 2024

Summary: In this session, we consider the why, what, and how of fishers’ knowledge (FK) and its application to fisheries policy and management using examples of best practices. We assess…
bigfishdeveloperJuly 9, 2024