Summary: In this session, we cover some of the practical “how to questions” for FSA research and provide guidance on designing research and conservation programs for FSAs. Fishers’ can play a key role in FSA site identification and cooperative research where there is little known in your area. We will hear about some of the common verification and monitoring techniques such as underwater visual surveys, documenting reproductive status, and tagging and acoustic telemetry to monitor the dynamics of fish movements to and within aggregation sites. Examples of how FSA research results have helped design conservation action will also be discussed.
Session Agenda:
- Outline: Session 3 (Melita Samoilys) 5 min
- Designing your Research, Monitoring, and Conservation Approach (Will Heyman) 10 min
- Fisher Interviews and Catch Landings to Verify FSAs (Melita Samoilys) 10 min
- Site Characterization and Mapping (Will Heyman) 5 min
- Using Fisheries-Independent Monitoring to Conserve and Manage FSAs (Kevin Rhodes) 5 min
- Assessing FSAs: Using Fisheries Dependent Techniques (Kevin Rhodes) 5 min
- Movement and Management of Snapper FSA sites in the US Virgin Islands (Rick Nemeth) 10 min
- Managing around the Moon: FSAs in the Solomon Islands (Alec Hughes et al.) 10 min
- Panel Discussion (Moderator: Melita Samoilys) 30 min
Speakers + Affiliations
- Melita Samoilys – CORDIO East Africa
- Will Heyman – LGL Ecological Research Associates
- Kevin Rhodes – Pacific Marine Science and Conservation
- Rick Nemeth – University of the Virgin Islands
- Alec Hughes – Wildlife Conservation Society