Summary: In this session, we consider the why, what, and how of fishers’ knowledge (FK) and its application to fisheries policy and management using examples of best practices. We assess policy and legal frameworks, what types of FK can be applied where, and how it’s been used successfully in FSA management using case studies. We hear of additional successful case studies from the Caribbean region, Middle East, Seychelles and South Africa. We also hear from leading sustainable fishers who have won the Gladding Memorial Award (GMA). The potential for GMA-type initiatives in other regions will be considered. We would like participants to walk away understanding how they can transition FK into policy actions on FSAs.
Session Agenda:
- Outline: Session 4 Winston Cowie 5 min
- Management Measures and Institutions, Diversity and Opportunities (Ken Lindeman, Will Heyman) 10 min
- IUCN Guidelines: Applications of Fishers’ Knowledge in Policy Development (Winston Cowie) 10 min
- Managing the Critically Endangered Seventy-four Seabream in South Africa (Bruce Mann) 5 min
- A Regional FSA Management Plan for Mutton Snapper: What, How and When? (Yvonne Sadovy) 5 min
- Seychelles FSA Science and Management of a Key Artisanal Fishery (Siganidae) (Jude Bijoux) 10 min
- Gladding Memorial Awards: Incentivizing Sustainable Fishing (Film by Ana Salceda) 5 min
- Panel Discussion (Moderator: Winston Cowie) 15 min
- Workshop Closure: Summary and Next Steps 15 min
Speakers + Affiliations
- Winston Cowie – NEOM Nature Reserve
- Will Heyman – LGL Ecological Research
- Ken Lindeman – Florida Tech
- Bruce Mann – Oceanographic Research Institute
- Yvonne Sadovy – Society for the Conservation of Fish Aggregations
- Jude Bijoux -University of Seychelles, IBC