This short-film is a call to action to protect the critically endangered Nassau Grouper, a vital species for the health of Caribbean reefs, and a key food for local people. Most prized by fishers, the Nassau Grouper was once the backbone of the local economy, but now, they have virtually vanished from waters that once teemed with life. Nassau Grouper is Against The Clock. The good news is that this species CAN recover! These big fish are solitary most of the year. Reproduction brings them together in the winter. Some will travel hundreds of miles to the same breeding sites to produce the next generation of fish. And this film is a CALL to ACTION to recover the species by protecting their spawning sites. Witness the mesmerizing mating rituals of this species, and get inspired by the success stories documented by scientists studying its recovery. Don’t let Nassau grouper go extinct. Let breeding fish OFF the hook! Support the closed season for Nassau Grouper in The Greater Caribbean: No fishing , sales or consumption from December through March.
Video by BelugaSmile Productions thanks to the support of NOAA Fisheries, the Caribbean Fishery Management Council, and BelugaSmile Productions.