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Summary: Welcome! This session provides an introduction and overview of the workshop focusing on examples of where fishers’ knowledge (FK) and leadership have led to fish spawning aggregation (FSA) conservation and recovery of species of the IUCN’s Snapper, Seabream and Grunt Specialist Group (SSG SG). We will share examples and definitions of FSA(s), approaches to gathering fishers’ knowledge, and a glimpse at the global diversity and importance of SSG species for fishers’
livelihoods. Successful examples from Palau and the United States will illustrate best practices to inspire conservation actions around the world. Questions and dialogue are actively encouraged at the end of this session and each of the following sessions.

Session Agenda:

Welcome and Overview 5 min
Fish Spawning Aggregation Definitions and Introduction (Will Heyman) 10 min
Introduction to Fishers Knowledge and Approaches to Gathering FSA Information (Winston Cowie) 5 min
Words of the Lagoon and Snapper FSA Ecotourism (Richard Barnden) 10 min
SSG Families: Global Diversity and Red List Assessments (Ken Lindeman) 10 min
SSG Species: Importance for Fisheries and Livelihoods (Melita Samoilys) 10 min
Riley’s Hump: Conserving a Multi-Species FSA Based on Fisher Knowledge and Leadership 10 min
Panel Discussion (Moderator: Will Heyman) 30 min

Speakers + Affiliations 

  • Will Heyman – LGL Ecological
  • Winston Cowie – NEOM Nature Reserve
  • Richard Barnden – Unique Ocean Expeditions
  • Ken Lindeman – Florida Tech
  • Melita Samoilys – CORDIO East Africa