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Fish Species

Dog Snapper

Scientific Name: Lutjanus jocu Biography: Prepare to be charmed by the adorable Dog Snapper, a creature as unique as it is endearing with its trademark triangular markings and bronze-tinted olive…
June 2, 2024
Fish Species

Cubera Snapper

Scientific Name: Lutjanus cyanopterus Biography:Meet the Cubera Snapper, a creature of strength and elegance with its slender, compressed form and piercing gaze. From the rugged terrain of its scales to…
June 2, 2024
Fish Species

Tiger Grouper

Scientific Name: Mycteroperca tigris Biography:Behold the elusive Tiger Grouper, a master of disguise lurking among the coral reefs from Bermuda to Brazil. With a coat of dense red spots and…
June 2, 2024
Fish Species

Goliath Grouper

Scientific Name: Epinephelus itajara Biography:Prepare to be awed by the mighty Goliath Grouper, a titan among the fish with a head like a battering ram and a body built for…
June 2, 2024
Fish Species

Black Grouper

Scientific Name: Mycteroperca bonaci Biography: Enter the realm of the Black Grouper, a sleek predator whose elongated form slices through the water with grace. Its snout, extending past piercing eyes,…
June 2, 2024
Fish Species

Nassau Grouper

Scientific Name: Epinephelus striatus Biography: Behold the majestic Nassau Grouper, a vision of elegance with its robust, striped body that gleams with white and tan hues. Its dark, soulful eyes…
June 2, 2024